The Crushed Stone Industry Grows Up - A History Of Mineral Material Trespass On Public Lands In Central Arizona, Pay Dirt (May 2001). Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open File Report 02-18.
Representing the Surface Owner on Severed Estate Lands in Arizona, Arizona Attorney (July/August 2015).
Representing the Surface Owner on Severed Estate Lands in Arizona - Expanded, (August 2015). This is an expanded version of the article listed above.
Stockraising Homestead Act, Taylor Grazing Act and Mineral Interest Conveyance Patents Summary
Arizona Mining Scams and Unassayable Ore Projects of the Late 20th Century, Pay Dirt (July 2001); Northern Miner (August 2001). Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open File Report 02-20.
Arizona Mining Scams and Unassayable Ore Projects of the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries, (Revised April 2014.) This is a revision and update of the 2001 mining scams article listed above. Edited version published in Arizona Attorney (May 2016).
A Rock Star: Arizona a Top Producer of Stone from Public Lands, Arizona Contractor & Community (Summer 2017).
Mapa de los Estados Unidos de Méjico – 1847
Mexico & Guatemala – 1850
North America and the West Indies – 1821